“(a) The right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and of the lawful authority of the state shall not be infringed, except that the manner of bearing arms may be regulated by law.
Article 1, Section 8
This bill could easily ban virtually any device, part, or accessory -- including OEM parts that have been refined or machined by a licensed gunsmith -- that regulators or law enforcement believes could, as the measure states,
Rafael Morales
Concealed Weapons or Firearms; Authorizing a concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee to temporarily surrender a weapon or firearm if the licensee approaches courthouse security or management personnel upon arrival and follow their instructions, e...
May 2, 2017
Rafael Morales: Five wins that go on to the Senate.
HB-849 Concealed Firearms on Church Property : PASSED the House 76-35
HB-779 Protection for Concealed Firearms License Holders : PASSED the House 80-34 ... moreFive wins that go on to the Senate.
HB-849 Concealed Firearms on Church Property : PASSED the House 76-35
HB-779 Protection for Concealed Firearms License Holders : PASSED the House 80-34
SB-128 Burden of Proof : PASSED the House 74-39
HB-965 Sales Tax on CW Fingerprint Service : PASSED the House 106-8
HB-467 CW License Fees/Dept. of Agriculture : PASSED the House 117-0
Rafael Morales: Email immediately - 4/4 these things go up for votes! IN THE SUBJECT LINE PUT: SUPPORT HB-245, HB-779 & HB-849 on the House Floor
send to
... moreEmail immediately - 4/4 these things go up for votes! IN THE SUBJECT LINE PUT: SUPPORT HB-245, HB-779 & HB-849 on the House Floor
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SB-646 Open Carrying by Sen. Greg Steube removes the criminal penalties for violations of the open carry law and prohibits a person who has a concealed firearms license from being arrested and charged with a crime if their firearm becomes temporaril...
March 29, 2017
Rafael Morales: Copy and paste this. Put this in the Subject: PLEASE, Let SB-646 Open Carry Protection be heard by the Senate mailto: negron.joe@flsenate.gov
It was "Temporarily Postponed" because, once again, Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Miami) is single-handedly... moreCopy and paste this. Put this in the Subject: PLEASE, Let SB-646 Open Carry Protection be heard by the Senate mailto: negron.joe@flsenate.gov
It was "Temporarily Postponed" because, once again, Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Miami) is single-handedly trying to kill it.
Rafael Morales: HB-779 and HB-849 by Rep. Neil Combee will both be heard by the House Criminal Justice Committee on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 9:00am ..
... moreHB-779 and HB-849 by Rep. Neil Combee will both be heard by the House Criminal Justice Committee on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 9:00am ..
HB-779 Open Carry Protection by Rep. Neil Combee removes the criminal penalties for violations of the open carry law and prohibits a person who has a concealed firearms license from being arrested and charged with a crime if their firearm becomes temporarily exposed to sight of another person.
HB-849 Carry on Church Property by Rep. Neil Combee to eliminate restrictions that prevent churches from allowing firearms on church property if church property is ever used for any type of schooling.
IN THE SUBJECT LINE PUT: SUPPORT HB-779 & HB-849 in House Criminal Justice Committee
(To send your message to all just Block and Copy All email addresses into the "Send To" box)
Ross.Spano@myfloridahouse.gov ,
Julio.Gonzalez@myfloridahouse. gov ,
Sharon.Pritchett@... less
Tentunya supaya pengalaman bawah laut agan dapat berlajan sebagaimana mestinya serta mengenakan. Dengan pengalaman tersebut, ane cakap sudah memiliki ratusan customer yang selalu menghubungi saya sekiranya ingin mengadakan kegiatan di pulau seribu, baik i...
Concealed Weapons or Firearms; Authorizing a concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee to temporarily surrender a weapon or firearm if the licensee approaches courthouse security or management personnel upon arrival and follow their instructions, e...
Terdapat beragam macam-macam Kategori penyembuhan kesehatan tuk mengobati masalah kanker, salah satu penyembuhan yang dijalani ialah radioterapi alias terapi radiasi dengan memanfaatkan sinar sebagai energi menyeluruh membunuh sel kanker. Demikian pula di...
Kepala Ekonomi juga Developing (Ekbang) Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, Andi Muchdar, mengungkapkan sejumlah proyek pengembangan rekreasi yang mangkak, antara lainnya penataan pedagang Kaki-1 di Pulau Untung Jawa serta Pulau Tidung. Di Pulau Putri itu, agan j...
JAKARTA - Kuasa hukum Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) Sirra Prayuna menyebutkan, sekarang pihaknya tengah mempersiapkan utk sidang perdana esok di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Bagian utara. Rohadi ditangkap KPK sewaktu mendapatkan suap dari pengacara Saip...