Description: Rally for our Rights is a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending and preserving the gun rights of all Amercians through frontline activism, tenacious political action, and community outreach.
The Rally for our Rights steering committee consists of a diverse cross-section of gun owners – including college students, young parents, business owners, and seasoned political activists.
It began when they worked together to organize a rally of Second Amendment supporters on the streets of Loveland, CO, immediately followed by a large demonstration in Boulder, CO in response to a proposed “assault weapons” ban. Since then Rally for our Rights has grow exponentially with like-minded activists coming together to counter ordinances and legislation at both the municipal and state level, as well as continue to rally in the streets. When not participating in direction action or outreach, you can find Rally for our Rights members giving back to the community through efforts such as highway clean-ups, coat drives, and other charitable endeavors.
The diverse crowd leaves partisan politics at home to come together in support of the right to keep and bear arms.